Valentine’s Day 2024

I dedicated myself to mocking Valentine's Day for a while, as it constantly reminded me of my loneliness and bombarded me with ads for expensive dinners and inexpensive champagne. The whole thing felt completely artificial, and I was unwilling to take part in any of it.

I understood that engaging in deity work would be advantageous, but I didn't anticipate it would reveal how often I ignored opportunities for joy in my life. I believed I was being sensible or intelligent, but I unknowingly hindered others from expressing romantic gestures towards me, let alone trying to win my affection.

I'm not suggesting that Valentine's Day isn’t created for profit. Don't misunderstand me. It surely is. But so are luxury hotels and exquisite chocolates. Both are equally enjoyable, making you understand the meaning behind the old saying about going home and slapping your mama.

If you're feeling lonely during this holiday, think about how your deities perceive your life and what would bring you the most benefit. Assess whether there are habits, both conscious and subconscious, that are blocking potential opportunities. Most likely, your deities have pointed them out to you.

A therapist suggested one of our clients record their conversations with friends to evaluate their response to compliments and offers of assistance. Did they start conversations with a steady preamble of less than savory comments about themselves or life in general? Did they want to hurt themselves before someone else could? This may appear obvious on paper, but surprisingly, we all fall victim to this tactic quite often.

Your recognition of the following may vary based on your progress in your spiritual journey.

The way they aid you in comprehending new concepts or dismantling barriers in your life fills you with immense gratitude and devotion towards a particular deity. Express your deep appreciation for your realization by bringing a gift to their altar. Picture a divine being not just declining, but also belittling you or your beliefs.

We know. It's strange and ridiculous to entertain the thought that would happen. When you've spent enough time working with your deity, you'll have a clear understanding of their likes and dislikes. So it's perfectly acceptable to surprise Lord Lucifer with a lovely champagne coup glass you discovered at a flea market or indulged in at Anthropologie. But imagine him putting it down, or you down, or worse, himself down.

It's completely unlikely.

Don’t make it harder for people to open their heart to you. You don’t have to grant immediate and full access, but don’t make someone who’s already being brave, climb over all the lies you told yourself about your value long before the two of you even met.

Your therapist is the person who should handle that. Hopefully, it's not them who has been trying to get your attention lately.

(It should go without saying that none of this applies to folks you aren’t compelled to embrace.)

Good luck and Happy Valentine’s Day.


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